On 20.10.1997 page 4 of theCorriere Della sera (corriere economia) an article appeared titled [Hamas lost half of its treasure] signed by Guido Olimpio .
He was borne in Albania 15/4/1957. His level of education is not known.
He started to work at the newspaper [Il Tempo] at the age of 23.
He was the correspondent of Corriere Della sera in [ Israel].
He stated on 9-10-2002in Milan criminal court before being indicted that he has contacts with the USA FBI, and that ‘ he gave an audience at the USA congress 1996 and that he testified in front of the security commission of the USA congress’.
[ALTAQWA / NADA] was included in his testimony.
The article:
The title was [Hamas lost half of its treasure]
Also a chart contained baseless offensive statements, finance magicians, bankers who are operating from the safe Caribbean fiscal shelters and the Swiss mountains. Guido Olimpio the author indicated many times in a baseless way {Bank AlTaqwa} as the principle source of financing Hamas and other Islamic groups notably The Egyptian Jamaa islamia, the Algerian FIS and the Tunisian Alnahda. He further wrote that Hamas leaders are investigating where the [fifty billion lira] which [Bank AlTaqwa] donated to Hamas disappeared, the bank which have the head quarter in the Bahamas and office in Lugano considered the ‘lungs, of the Integralists financial apparatus. Also he stated that [Bank AlTaqwa] was the financial engine of the Islamic parties with planetarium capacity. He referred to the president of the bank YOUSSEF NADA and said that he entrusted his vice Ghaleb Himmat with the duty to assist Hamas ,The Egyptian Gamaa islamia , The Algerian FIS and the Tunisian Alnahda.
The text also focused on financing the armed groups accused to promote terrorist activity, and attributed this finance to Bank Al Taqwa, Al Taqwa management organization, their president YOUSSEF NADA, and his deputy Ghaleb Himmat. |
Convicting of Guido Olimpio
Milan / Court of Appeal of Milan condemned Guido Olimpio for defamation against Youssef Nada and Ghaleb Himmat. The two ptesident and vice president of the Al Taqwa Bank based in Lugano, they were indicated in an article by Olimpio published in the Corriere della Sera as financiers of Islamic extremism and the Hamas.
The accusation, however, 'was entirely false, hence the condemned Olimpio to compensate 120 thousand euros.
The court of appeals on the grounds has stigmatized the accusations of Olimpio as "mere conjectures and illusions", from which a "serious reputation injury" was followed.
"A just condemnation - said the lawyer Luca Bauccio defender of Nada and Himmat - who does justice to a free lynching that has produced devastating effects and of which we still do not understand the reason".
"At the time of the Olympics article - continued Bauccio - Yooussef Nada and Ghaleb Himmat were the head of a bank: inevitable coke the false news of funding extremism and Islamic terrorism produced, as was confirmed by the Court of Appeal, very serious effects including criminal and administrative proceedings, all filed for the absolute absence of unlawful conduct against Nada and Himmat.
During the Guido Olimpio trial, defended by the lawyer Caterina Malavenda. he had produced in his defense the dossier of the secret services results - as judges have ascertained - partially falsified on the date. (Media & Law)